Concept Artist And Project Executive
Digital Design Fabrication and Technology Expert

•Maters in interior Architecture
•Certified from Harvard Bok “Teaching and learning strategies for higher education“
Associate member:
•American Institute of Architects (AIA)
•Association of Professional Interior Designers (APID)
•Interior Design Education Council (IDEC)
•International Federation of interior Architects and Designers (IFI)
Contributed in the success of the accreditation at the American university in Dubai :
•NASAD - The National Association of Schools of Art and Design
•CIDA – The Council Of Interior Design Accreditation
•Researching new and innovative platforms, applications and theories in Interior Design and architecture
•Developing and implementing educational technology curriculum for delivery of classroom using a combination of Autodesk Software
•3d studio Max (Autodesk certified professional) and (Adobe Certified Expert)