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software development, People & Blogs, BIM, Autodesk, Lighting design, programming, Generative design, Automation, engineering, fusion 360, Additive manufacturing, 3d max, forge, computational design, Simulation, education

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Autodesk University - The first cloud based platform to manage light using forge API

Read more From coding to visualization, the integration of IES light automated framework

People & Blogs, education, BIM, Automation, Generative design, Lighting design, Additive manufacturing, Simulation, computational design, Autodesk, 3d max, fusion 360, forge, engineering, programming, software development

MORphogenisis Platform 1

Read more The first cloud based solution that can manage lighting design using Autodesk Design Automation API Technology

People & Blogs

Autodesk University Las Vegas
Main Speaker:
From coding to visualization, the integration of IES light automated framework. AS318984
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